4. Installation Instructions
Recommended precautionary measures with regard to safe handling of HIP™ cleaning solution.
• Always wear undamaged gloves made of natural or butyl rubber, nitrile, or neoprene
(Surgical gloves are ideal).
• Always wear eye protection.
• Protect exposed skin on arms.
• If solution is spilled on clothing, remove the item of clothing and wash affected skin
with plenty of water, in accordance with the Material Safety Data Sheet requirements.
• Use good industrial hygiene practices in handling this material. When handling,
do not eat or drink.
• After handling the product, remove and dispose of gloves and wash hands prior to
removing eye protection.
• Do not use the personal protective equipment you use for clinical activities to handle
HIP™ products.
• Always ensure that personal protective equipment, if contaminated with HIP™
cleaning solution, is cleaned, or disposed of as appropriate.
For comprehensive data on HIP™ cleaning solution, please visit SciCan.com to
view or download a PDF of the Material Safety Data Sheet.
To install the HIP™ cleaning solution box, follow these steps:
salt container
Installing Cleaning Solution:
Install HIP™ Cleaning Solution as follows:
Technician Installation Test:
Turn on the shut-off valves. Run a cycle, checking for leaks in
the plumbing connections.