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Step 5:
Once the glue has crossed the press roller, speed can be increased to 20. Using the cotton bud
stick, keep spreading the glue from the area where glue is in excess, to the area wherever the glue is less
in quantity.
Fig 19: Spreading the Glue
Step 6:
Wherever the glue under the press roller is diminishing, pour the remaining glue over such areas.
Step 7:
When glue below the Press Roller seems to be diminishing at some areas, and becoming of higher
viscosity and uneven, person standing in front, should start spraying the cleaner liquid continuously till
the end.
Fig 20: Spraying the Cleaner Liquid
Step 8:
Later the cleaner liquid spraying should be done throughout the belt, until the remaining glue
appears to be deactivated, due to mixing of cleaner liquid.