Suggested uses for your blender
Crush Ice
Place 1 cup of frozen ice cubes into blender
jug only and blend using the switch of Pulse
Operation for 15 seconds.
Fill the container to at least ¼; remember to
leave room to allow froth to form as the drink
is aerated.
Soups, sauces, purees
The most efficient amount to blend will
depend on the food / recipe used. Generally,
the more liquid used, the more can be
processed at one time. Do not place hot
ingredients into the blender; Allow to cool
before pureeing.
Quantities and handy hints
Do not put more than 2 cups of warm
ingredients into the blender before handling
commences. After the blending process has
begun and the blades are turning you may
slowly add another 1 ½ cups of ingredients
through the opening in the lid if desired.
Thick mixtures puree more efficiently if the
blender is ¼ to ½ full.
When using several ingredients, place
liquid ingredients in the blender jug first
unless specified in the recipe.
When blending thick or dry mixtures it may
be necessary to stop the blender and
scrape down the sides of the blender jug
with a plastic or rubber spatula, once or
twice during blending. Cut all food pieces
into 2 cm cubes where appropriate.
60 ml Tequila
60 ml Cointreau
80 ml lime juice
12 ice cubes
1. Place Tequila, Cointreau,
lime juice and ice cubes into
blender jug.
2. Set at the Max Speed and
blend until well combined and
ice is crushed.
Serve in salt rimmed glasses.
Rockmelon and pineapple
1 cup chopped rockmelon
1 cup canned pineapple
1 cup ice
Mint leaves, to serve
1. Place rockmelon, pineapple
and ice into the blender jug.
2. Set at the max Speed and
blend until all ingredients are
crushed and mixture is
smooth and thick.
3. Serve with chopped mint
Strawberry Smoothie
150 g strawberries
250 ml milk
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
Strawberry topping, to
1. Place strawberries, milk
and ice cream into the
blender jug.
2. Set at the Max Speed and
blend until smooth and
Serve with strawberry topping
drizzled over top.