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The iron gets really hot during use. Never leave the iron unattended when plugged 
into the wall socket.

1.  Plug into an earthed wall socket. The indicator light on the handle lights up.

2.  Set the wanted temperature. The indicator light next too the control lights up 

to indicate that the iron is heating up. When the light turns off the iron has 
reached the wanted temperature. If the temperature decreases the heating 
starts up again and the light lights up again.

Automatic shutdown 

The iron will automatically shut off if:

-   It’s been standing upright for 8 minutes.




-  Sits still on the soleplate for 20 seconds.

In these cases 6 signals will sound and the indicator light starts blinking. As soon 
as you touch the iron it will turn on and the soleplate heats up again.


The automatic shut off protects the iron from overheating and helps 

reduce the energy consumption. It does not protect from fire if you for example let 
the hot iron sit on the laundry. Never leave the iron unattended when the cord is 
plugged into the wall socket.

Dry ironing

Slide the steam control forward towards the symbol 

, place the iron on the 

support stand and wait until the indicator light turns off.


Do not scratch the soleplate – do not slide it over metal parts such as 

buttons or zippers.

Ironing with steam

Ironing with steam is only possible at high temperatures. These  
temperatures are marked on the temperature control.
1.  Set the wanted temperature.

2.  Wait until the iron is heated up and the indicator light turns off.

3.  Slide the steam control to desired position.

As soon as you hold the iron horizontal the iron will give steam and you can iron 
your clothes.


 If the iron starts dripping water it is either set on too low temperature or 

the steam control set on too much steam. Adjust either the temperature or the 
steam setting.

Summary of Contents for 34-6086

Page 1: ...Steam Iron ngstrykj rn Dampstrykejern H yrysilitysrauta English 2 Svenska 8 Norsk 14 Suomi 20 Ver 200901 34 6086 ES 155 Art No Model No...

Page 2: ...echnical data If you have any questions concerning technical problems please contact our Customer Service Department see address on reverse Product Description A Control buttons see below B Lid for wa...

Page 3: ...he manufacturer retailer or other qualified person to avoid danger Remember that the iron gets really hot during use Do not touch the soleplate or do not store it before it has cooled down properly Ke...

Page 4: ...iron is equipped with a permanent filter that prevents calcium build up NOTE In areas with very hard water it is recommended that you use distilled water 6 Fill up to max level and then close the lid...

Page 5: ...protects the iron from overheating and helps reduce the energy consumption It does not protect from fire if you for example let the hot iron sit on the laundry Never leave the iron unattended when th...

Page 6: ...ints the direction wanted and then press the spray button After use Warning The iron is very hot directly after use Remember to let it cool off completely before storing it 1 Slide the steam control f...

Page 7: ...f iron a piece off cotton fabric This cleans the soleplate from possible remains of calcium and dirt Cleaning the casing NOTE Unplug from the wall socket before cleaning the casing If needed wipe off...

Page 8: ...amt ndringar av tekniska data Vid tekniska problem eller andra fr gor kontakta v r kundtj nst se adressuppgifter p baksidan Produktbeskrivning A Kontrollknappar se nedan B Lock till vattenbeh llare C...

Page 9: ...f r den bytas ut endast av tillverkaren terf rs ljaren eller annan kvalificerad personal f r att undvika fara T nk p att strykj rnet blir mycket varmt under anv ndning R r ej sulan eller stoppa undan...

Page 10: ...Strykj rnet r utrustat med ett permanentfilter som hindrar kalkavlagringar fr n att byggas upp OBS I omr den med mycket h rt vatten rekommenderas att du anv nder destillerat vatten 6 Fyll upp till max...

Page 11: ...ngen skyddar strykj rnet fr n verhettning och hj lper dig att minska energif rbrukningen Den skyddar inte mot brand om du t ex l ter det heta strykj rnet st p tv tten L mna aldrig strykj rnet utan upp...

Page 12: ...ndning Varning Strykj rnet r mycket varmt direkt efter anv ndning T nk p att l ta det svalna helt innan du stoppar undan det f r f rvaring 1 Skjut ngreglaget fram t mot symbolen 2 S tt temperaturregla...

Page 13: ...p en provbit av bomull Detta reng r sulan fr n eventuella rester av avlagringar och smuts Reng ring av h ljet OBS Drag stickkontakten ur v gguttaget f re reng ring av h ljet Torka vid behov av h ljet...

Page 14: ...iske data Ved tekniske problemer eller andre sp rsm l ta kontakt med v r kundetjeneste se adresseopplysninger p baksiden Produktbeskrivelse A Kontrollknapper se under B Lokk til vannbeholder C Spraymu...

Page 15: ...ledningen er skadet skal den skiftes av produsent forhandler eller annen kvalifisert person for unng fare Husk at strykejernet blir meget varmt ved bruk Ikke ta p s len Strykejernet m ikke stues bort...

Page 16: ...ed et filter som hindrer at det bygger seg opp kalkavleiringer OBS I omr der med meget hardt vann anbefales det at du bruker destillert vann 6 Fyll opp til maks niv et Steng s lokket skikkelig Du vil...

Page 17: ...automatiske avstengingen beskytter strykejernet fra overopphe ting og hjelper deg med redusere str mforbruket Det beskytter ikke mot brann Forlat ikke strykejernet mens stikkontakten er tilkoblet T rr...

Page 18: ...trykk deretter p sprayknappen Etter bruk Advarsel Strykejernet er meget varmt like etter bruk Husk la det kj lne f r du setter det bort til oppbevaring 1 Press dampregulatoren fram mot symbolet 2 Set...

Page 19: ...te for rengj re s len for eventuelle rester av avkalkinger og smuss Rengj ring av deksel OBS Dra ut stikkontakten f r rengj ring av dekselet T rk av dekselet ved behov med en lett fuktet klut Unng sli...

Page 20: ...vastaa mahdollisista teksti tai kuvavirheist Jos laitteeseen tulee teknisi ongelmia ota yhteys myym l n tai asiakaspalveluun yhteystiedot k ytt ohjeen lopussa Tuotekuvaus A Valintapainikkeet katso al...

Page 21: ...rtajohdon saa vaihtaa ainoastaan valmistaja j lleenmyyj tai muu ammattilainen Ota huomioon ett silitysrauta kuumenee k yt n aikana l kosketa pohjaa tai aseta silitysrautaa s ilytykseen ennen kuin pohj...

Page 22: ...ein 5 T yt s ili vesijohtovedell Silitysraudassa on kestosuodatin joka est kalkkikerrostumien muodostumista HUOM K yt tislattua vett jos paikkakuntasi vesi on hyvin kovaa 6 T yt s ili maksimimerkint n...

Page 23: ...ta kuuluu kuusi nimerkki ja merkkivalo alkaa vilkkua Kun liikutat silitysrautaa se kytkeytyy taas p lle ja pohja kuumenee Varoitus Automaattinen sammutus suojaa silitysrautaa ylikuumenemiselta ja v he...

Page 24: ...siten ett suutin osoittaa haluttuun suuntaan ja paina sumutuspainiketta K yt n j lkeen Varoitus Silitysrauta on eritt in kuuma heti k yt n j lkeen Anna sen j hty kunnolla ennen kuin asetat sen s ilyty...

Page 25: ...puuvillaista kangaspalaa Se puhdistaa pohjan mahdollisista kerrostumista tai liasta Silitysraudan puhdistaminen HUOM Irrota pistoke pistorasiasta ennen silitysraudan puhdistamista Puhdista laite ulkop...

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