the nozzle of the blasting gun at very high velocity.
Cleaning Effect
The cleaning effect of dry ice blasting is based on three principles:
Thermal Effect
The dry ice pellets have a temperature of -79°C/-109°F, and impurities are therefore
cooled down drastically. The impurities shrink and loosen due to different thermal
expansion coefficients.
Kinetic Effect
When the dry ice pellets leave the blasting gun nozzle they have high kinetic energy
and strike the impurities at a speed almost equivalent to the velocity of sound.
Sublimation Effect / Volume Expansion:
The dry ice pellets are being pressed into the brittle impurities and sublimate
immediately on contact. The resulting volume increase by a factor of approximately
700 contributes to tearing away the contaminant.
This manual contains instructions and safety regulations which must be followed
while starting, operating and maintaining the dry ice blasting machine. It is important
that the manual is kept, so the operator always knows its exact location. It is also
important the owner makes certain that the operator reads, understands and follows
the contents of the manual.
Personnel Qualifications
Personnel responsible for operation, servicing and maintenance must be suitably
qualified to perform these functions.
Special training in machine handling as well as in repair and maintenance is offered
by the manufacturer of the machine.
The owner of the machine must ensure that the person appointed to operate the dry
ice blasting machine fully understands and is able to follow the SAFETY REGULATIONS
defined in the following pages, and the WARNING SYMBOLS located on the machine.
Safety and Risk
The machine is constructed to comply with the standards and clauses contained
in the Declaration of Conformity and the terms of sale. Therefore, provided the
manufacturer’s instructions are followed, the machine will not pose any risk to the