4.5
Add:
You
c
activa
you
p
Repos
Touch
positi
Favor
anoth
Remo
Touch
of
the
4.6
You
c
prefe
Settin
‐
5.1
To
co
WiFi
Using
of
a
w
With
micro
To
To
Co
•
•
To
Dis
•
•
D006791_CR49XX_Use
–
Person
an
touch
and
hol
ate
the
Move
mo
refer.
sition:
h
and
hold
the
ite
on
and
then
rele
rite
tray.
Hold
the
her
Home
screen.
ove:
h
and
hold
the
ite
e
“X”
icon,
and
re
–
Volume
an
set
the
ringer,
rence
by
pressing
ngs\Sound
&
Not
‐
Getting
Con
–
Connec
nnect
to
the
Inte
i
g
WiFi,
you
can
co
wireless
network.
the
cable,
yo
card/internal
Connect/Disco
nnect:
Use
the
ca
port
on
your
co
connected.
Open
the
Notifi
make
a
selectio
transfer
files.
sconnect
(for
ma
Open
the
Notifi
Touch
to
cance
er_Manual
alize
Your
ld
a
folder,
an
ap
de
and
drag
the
i
em
to
activate
the
ase.
You
can
mov
e
icon
on
the
left
.
em
to
activate
the
elease
after
the
it
e
Adjustm
,
media
and
devic
g
the
Volume
up/
tification\Media
nnected
cting
to
ernet
with
this
de
onnect
to
the
Inte
ou
can
transfer
m
l
storage
and
the
onnect
Your
ble
supplied
with
omputer.
You
will
ication
panel
and
on
in
the
dialog
th
ass
storage):
ication
panel
and
l
Media
device
(M
r
Home
Sc
plication,
or
a
wi
item
to
any
Hom
e
Move
mode,
dr
ve
items
both
on
or
right
edge
of
t
e
Move
mode,
dr
tem
turns
red.
ment
ce
ringtone
volum
/down
key,
or
to
volume
to
set
th
WiFi
vice,
you
can
use
ernet
when
your
media
files
and
ot
computer.
Device
to/from
h
your
device
to
c
l
receive
a
notific
d
touch
Connecte
hat
opens
to
conf
d
touch
Connecte
in
the
dialog
creen
dget
to
e
screen
as
rag
the
item
to
th
the
Home
screen
the
screen
to
dra
rag
the
item
up
to
mes
to
your
uching
he
volume.
e
a
networ
device
is
within
r
her
files
between
m
the
Comput
connect
the
devic
cation
that
the
ed
as
a
media
dev
firm
that
you
wan
ed
as
a
media
dev
g
that
opens.
he
desired
n
and
the
ag
the
item
to
o
the
top
Cr
To
sc
To
na
To
cu
rk.
range
To
n
your
ter*
ce
to
a
is
vice,
then
nt
to
vice.
reate
folders:
o
improve
the
org
creen,
you
can
ad
o
rename
a
folde
ame.
Wallpaper
custom
ouch
Settings
on
ustomize
wallpap
.2
–
Conn
o
Turn
WiFiOn
an
•
Tap
Settings
•
Tap
the
s
•
The
detailed
WiFi
networ
•
Tap
a
WiFi
n
you
are
requ
contact
the
.
ganization
of
item
dd
them
to
a
folde
r,
open
it
and
tou
mization:
the
applications
per.
ecting
to
nd
Connect
to
a
s\WiFi
.
switch
to
turn
on
d
information
of
d
rks
section.
network
to
conne
uired
to
enter
a
p
network
operato
ms
(shortcuts
or
a
er
by
stacking
on
uch
the
folder’s
t
screen
then
touc
a
Comput
Wireless
Network
n/off
WiFi.
detected
WiFi
ne
ect.
If
the
networ
password
or
othe
or
for
details).
Wh
applications)
on
t
ne
item
on
top
of
title
bar
to
input
t
ch
Display\Wallpa
ter
k
etworks
is
display
rk
you
selected
is
er
credentials
(yo
hen
finished,
tou
the
Home
another.
the
new
aper
to
yed
in
the
secured,
u
can
ch