Cocktail Audio Pro X100
My network devices (using the Pro x100 as a server) have problems streaming Flac
files but Wav works fine. What could be the issue?
Due to the way some devices handle streaming, based on their firmware & hardware,
compressed Flacs could cause delays and sound alterations.
There is an option to rip in regular Flac or uncompressed Flac or select the
‘MinimServer’ App on the Pro X100 to transcode the format.
Streaming in Wav is not superior to Flac. Most audiophiles prefer Flac!
Does the Pro X100 support WOL (Wake on LAN)?
Yes – Use any ‘Wake on LAN’ App to switch on the device without physically
pressing the power button from another location. Eg Fing, IP Tools & many WOL
Why can’t I use the YouTube Service?
Please obtain the API key (Server key) & enable it via your Google account.
Insert the key into the YouTube (API Key access) to run the service.
Why can’t I hear my DSD audio?
Make sure you have a compatible DSD DAC – You need a device that can output the
sample rate from the Pro X100.
Also check the Player settings.
Make sure the songs are not compressed.
Why are some album art covers & icons missing or incorrectly displayed?
This could be a cache & temp files – use the ‘Clear Squeezebox Server Database’
button to clear the database and resync (Settings/Squeeze Box/Clear…).
If the ‘cocktail Audio’ player can't be selected from the Squeeze drop-down (as a
player) check the ‘Audio App Switcher’.
Make sure the installed App is Active - click or touch to refresh
(Audio App Switcher/Squeezelite or other).