Mark the tubing, allowing for an additional few millimetres, so it
can attach to the earhook.
Cut the tubing only when you are certain the length will allow a
secure and comfortable fit. It is important not to cut it too short.
Feed the tubing
onto your earhook.
To wear the processor with the Mic Lock attached:
Fold your ear down.
Gently pass your earlobe through the loop made by the processor
and Mic Lock until it is in position on your ear.
Alternatively, with the Mic Lock band in position on your processor,
place the processor on your ear. Bring the tubing to the front of
your ear and feed it onto your earhook. Your processor should fit
securely with the Mic Lock in place.
To remove the processor with the Mic Lock attached, fold your ear lobe
and reverse the process. Alternatively, ease the tubing off the earhook.
28 - CP810 Sound Processor User Guide
© Cochlear Limited 2015
Wearing your processor