The player does not wo rk
Downlo ad failure
Poor so und quality or no sound
Bad FM reception
1. Char ge the battery.
2. Chec k the hold switch.
1. Chec k to see if the d river is installed correctly on the PC.
2. Chec k the connection.
3. Chec k if the memory is full.
4. Chec k the battery capacity.
1. Chec k if the quality of the music file is poor, and
download it again.
2. Chec k if the volume level is at "0 , and chec k if the
earphones a re properly con nected.
3. Reformat the player.
1. Adjus t the po sition o f the earphones and player.
2. Turn off nearby electric devi ces.
3. Earphones m ust be connect ed because it is used a s
1. Chec k if the power is on.
2. Char ge the battery.
3. Press the reset button.
The LCD displays nothing
If you are still having difficulty please contact technical support.
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM 8:30 PM EST 1-800-681-2629 or 718-416-3197
Saturday and Sunday 9:00 AM 5:30 PM EST 1-800-727-3592
You can also reach us by e-mail at [email protected]