Sales Introduction – SAILOR 6222 VHF DSC Class A
Cobham SATCOM, 18 July 2013
Niels Peter Agdal
Powerful transceiver
SAILOR VHF radios have always been known for the powerful transceivers. The SAILOR
6222 VHF transmitter is designed to maintain the most powerful output almost regardless of
stress or conditions. Innovative cooling ensures the transmitter is able to maintain the high
output power even during long and heavy usage. The receiver sensitivity is truly outstanding
and makes sure reception is optimal.
The transceiver design ensures that the vessel always has a powerful and reliable VHF in
during critical situations and in all conditions at sea.
Direct printing from the SAILOR 6222 VHF to the SAILOR H1252B Printer will be available
through a print server.
NMEA Interface
The SAILOR 6222 VHF has a standard NMEA 0183 interface which is used for GPS input (IEC
61162-1 In support) from e.g. the vessel’s standard GPS or the SAILOR 6110 Mini-C GMDSS.
All necessary equipment for installation of the SAILOR 6222 VHF is available in the package.
A U-Bracket for desk top installation and a flush mounting kit is included.
The SAILOR 6222 VHF uses 12 V DC. The SAILOR 6090 Power Converter which converts 24V
to 12V is supplied as standard fit and is included in the package.