Weather Station Manual
Annex 8
820 First Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98134, USA Tel: +1 (800) 488-8291 / +1 (206) 682-6048 Fax: +1 (206) 682-5658 www.CoastalEnvironmental.com
Procedure to Enter Magnetic Deviation for
Wind Direction in the System Function Menu of
the ZENO
2) On the computer go to Start\Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Services. Locate the CES
INTERCEPT service, right click on it and click on “Stop”.
3) Once the service has stopped, set up a HyperTerminal window in order to communicate with
the ZENO
as follows:
A) Locate and select the HyperTerminal program in Start/Programs/
B) If HyperTerminal asks you to make it your default terminal program
click “Yes”.
C) In the “Connection Description” window type any name for the connection
(such as “Wthrpk”) and click “OK”.
D) In the “Connect To” window go to “Connect using” and select an open
comport on your computer (usually COM 1). Click “OK”
E) In the COM X Properties window the select the port settings as follows:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Click “Apply” then “OK”. Your HyperTerminal window should now be connected to the
selected com port on your computer. T he lower left hand side of the window should
show “Connected” with a timer counting up.
4) If you do not have a connection to the ZENO
already, connect the black Com Cable between
Comport 3 on t he ZENO
(see pg 8 of the ZENO
User’s Manual) and a serial com port
on your computer.
5) Type
to access the User Menu, then type
for the System Function Menu.