Coast Awning Wall Kits
Coast Awning Wall Kits
Increase your outdoor living space with Coast to Coast’s stylish and easy to
Increase your outdoor living space with Coast to Coast’s stylish and easy to
Awning Wall Kits for Caravans
Awning Wall Kits for Caravans
Before you begin, please note the following:
Before you begin, please note the following:
Coast Awning Wall Kits are available to suit rollout awnings from 12ft
Coast Awning Wall Kits are available to suit rollout awnings from 12ft
18ft (3.66mt
18ft (3.66mt
5.47mt) in 1ft
5.47mt) in 1ft
To ensure you purchase the correct size Awning Wall Kit, it is recommended that you measure the
To ensure you purchase the correct size Awning Wall Kit, it is recommended that you measure the
width of your rollout awning from the centre of the left arm to the centre of the right arm. *Please
width of your rollout awning from the centre of the left arm to the centre of the right arm. *Please
refer to the diagram below:
refer to the diagram below:
Once you are ready to begin installation, park your Caravan in a desired position, make sure the hand-
Once you are ready to begin installation, park your Caravan in a desired position, make sure the hand-
brake is on and your van is level front
brake is on and your van is level front
back and side
back and side