Operating Instructions
Zero-3 / 5-Channel Motor Controller
CNC-STEP e.K. ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 9
Support: +49 (0)2831/91021-50
3 .4
S a fe ty i ns t ru c tion s for sp e ci fic ph as es o f o pe ra tion
3 .4 . 1
In normal operation
Before switching the machine on, ensure that only authorized persons are in the working
area of the system!
Refrain from operating the machine in a manner that would impair safety!
Initiate all measures to ensure that the machine is only operated in a safe and fully
functioning condition.
Do not operate the machine unless all guards and safety-related devices (e.g. detachable
safety devices, E-Stop equipment, exhaust devices) are in place and operational.
Check the system for any externally visible damage and defects at least once per shift!
Report any changes that have occurred to the responsible department or person! If required,
switch the system off immediately!
In case of a malfunction, switch the system off immediately! Have faults repaired
Observe start-up/shut-down processes and control indicators as specified in the user manual.
Follow the special safety instructions in the individual chapters of this user