Use Chlorine Stabilizer to Protect Chlorine Residual
Sunlight naturally destroys chlorine. Half of the chlorine residual is removed by sunlight every 45 minutes. Chlorine stabilizer,
also known as conditioner or Cyanuric Acid, protects chlorine from the sun’s rays. It helps the chlorine last longer and reduces
consumption. Chlorine stabilizer should be added according the chemical manufacturer’s instructions to achieve a level of 20-
30 PPM, depending on climate. High stabilizer levels can reduce chlorine effectiveness. If too much stabilizer is added the only
way to reduce the concentration of conditioner is to (partially) drain the pool water and then refill the pool to bring the level
to the recommended 20-30 PPM.
How to adjust pH
A pH range of 7.2 – 7.6 is ideal for maximum comfort and minimum chlorine demand. Always adjust total alkalinity before
adjusting pH. Low pH (acidic water) leads to stinging eyes and corrosion of open metal fittings. If the pH is below 7.0 AND
the Total Alkalinity is below 80 ppm, use Soda Ash to adjust. First, test for metals. Consult your pool professional regarding
which chemical is best for your situation and the proper amount to use. Check the pH after 4 hours of circulation, adjusting as
necessary to achieve the proper range.
High pH (alkaline water) leads to clouding of the water and reduces the effectiveness and amount of active chlorine. This
means algae and germs can grow. Lower the pH by adding muriatic acid to the pool water. The acid demand indicated by
your 4-in-1 test kit will show the amount of acid to use. If your pH remains inconsistent, check your total alkalinity.
Total alkalinity effects pH
Total Alkalinity (TA) is the measure of bicarbonates, carbonates, hydroxides and other alkaline substances found in pool water.
Alkalinity is defined as the ability of the water to resist changes in pH; also known as the buffering capacity of the water,
Alkalinity keeps the pH from “bouncing” all over the place. TA is often confused with pH, which it affects. If TA is too low, the
pH will be difficult to maintain and may cause staining of pool surfaces. Total alkalinity should be in the range of 80 – 100
To raise total alkalinity, it is necessary to add pH buffer (sodium bicarbonate) at the rate shown in the manufacturer’s
instructions to reach the 80 – 100 PPM range. 1.5 lbs. of sodium bicarbonate raises 10,000 gallons of pool water by 10 PPM.
To lower the total alkalinity, use muriatic acid. The acid demand chart in your 4-in-1 test kit will indicate the necessary amount
to add. Adjust as needed until the reading (taken at least 24 hours later) is in the 80 – 100 PPM range. When TA is correct, you
may need to adjust pH.
Weekly Water Care
Chlorine Test: Test pool water chlorine level with a reliable test kit. Maintain ideal range by adjusting Powerclean Salt Econ
Chlorine Output level (see Basic Operation on page 13).
Note: Chlorine residual above 5.0 PPM may cause corrosion of pool metals and possible damage to associated pool
equipment. It is recommended that chlorine test samples be taken from two places, one at the pool return line, the other well
away from the pool return line. Compare the samples. A higher level of chlorine should be found at the pool return line, which
confirms that the Powerclean Salt Econ system is producing chlorine.
pH Level Test: Test the pH level of your pool with a test kit. If necessary, adjust according to your pool professional’s
recommendations. A pH level of 7.2 - 7.6 is recommended. Note: Never use dry acid to adjust pH in arid geographic areas
with excessive evaporation and minimal dilution of pool water with fresh water. A build-up of byproducts can damage the
electrolytic cell.