Operator’s Manual
Preventing Maintenance
Schedule: Every 12 months or as required
Check occlusion
sensor operation
(section 4.2.)
Test occlusion sensor that is out of calibration accordance with
instructions on pg. If output, (code 3) is less than 10 replace it.
Check air sensor
Recalibrate any air sensor that is out of calibration in
accordance with section 4.5. Use P1 to adjust.
If sensor cannot be adjusted replace it in accordance with
section 4.5.
Batteries NI-CAD 7.2V Check backup battery pack voltage in accordance with section
4.2. If the backup battery is not within specification, replace it in
accordance with section 4.5.
Display Segments
Switch pump ON, check all display segments and all barleds lit,
using the arrow keys, check if all numbers are displayed
Schedule: As required or at least once a month
Pump Housing
Clean with an agent listed on pg. Replace any labels that are
Check that plastic housing is intact.
Press Plate
If the press plate does not operate smoothly, clean or replace
in accordance with pg. 39.
Battery Time
Recharge by connecting to AC outlet for at least 8 hours.
Check that the AC icon is displayed during.
Power cord
Replace the power cord if the pins are bent or the isolation is
Safety (CF)
Check ground resistance measured on the pump’s door if it is
greater than 0.1 Ohm check tightness of grounding screws. It
should be 100 microamps or less using UL2601 specified test
methods (CF classification)