The characteristics of the electrical lines must be determined by specialized personnel able to design
electrical installations; moreover, the lines must be in conformity with regulations in force.
The protection devices of the unit power line must be able to stop the presumed short circuit current,
whose value must be determined in function of system features.
The power cables and the protection cable section must be defined in accordance with the characteristics
of the protections adopted.
All electrical operations should be performed by trained personnel having the necessary requirements by the
regulations in force and being informed about the risks relevant to these activities.
Operate in compliance with safety regulations in force.
Electrical data
The serial number label reports the unit specific electrical data, included any electrical accessories.
The electrical data indicated in the technical bulletin and in the manual refer to the standard unit,
accessories excluded.
Refer to the electrical data report on the serial number label:
F.L.A.: full load ampere, absorbed current at maximum admitted conditions
F.L.I.: full load input, full load power input at max. admissible condition
Electrical wiring diagram Nr
refer to the unit electrical diagram (the number of the diagram is shown on the serial number label).
verify that the network has characteristics conforming to the data shown on the serial number label.
Before starting work, verify that the sectioning device at the start of the unit power line is open, blocked
and equipped with cartel warning.
Primarily you have to realize the earthing connection.
Shelter the cables using adequate measure fairleads.
Before power the unit, make sure that all the protections that were removed during the electrical connection
work have been restored.
Power supply network requirements
1 The short circuit capacity of the line must be less than 15 kA
2 The units can only be connected to TN, TT distribution systems
3 Voltage 400-3-50 +/-10%
4 Phase unbalance < 2%
5 Harmonic distortion less than 12% (THDv<12%)
6 Voltage interruptions lasting no longer than 3ms and with at least 1 s between each one
7 Voltage dips not exceeding 20% of the RMS value, lasting no longer than a single period (50Hz) and
with at least 1 s between each dip.
8 Earth cable as specified in the table:
Cross-section of the line conductors
Minimum cross-section of the protective
conductor (PE) (mm
16 < S
S > 35