Water filter
Must be installed immediately in the water input of the unit, in
a position that is easily accessible for cleaning.
The filter never should be removed, this operation invalidates
the guaranty.
Recommended filter :
0,5 mm (30 mesh)
Minimum capacity of the exchanger
The minimum water flow is indicated in the technical data.
If the system capacity is below the minimum flow, bypass the
system as indicated in the diagram.
Maximum capacity of the exchanger
The maximum water flow is indicated in the technical data.
If the system capacity exceeds the minimum flow, bypass the
system as indicated in the diagram.
Risk of freeze
If the unit or the relative water connections can be subject to
temperatures close to 0°C:
Mix water with ethylene glycol, or
Safeguard the pipes with heating cables placed under the
insulation, or
Empty the system in cases of long non-use
Anti-freeze solutions
Consider that the use of anti-freeze solution determines an
increase in a pressure drop.
Make sure that the glycol type utilized is inhibited (not corrosive)
and compatible with the hydraulic circuit components.
Do not use different glicol mixture (i.e. ethylic with propylene).
The unit must always be protected
from freeze.
Otherwise irreversible damage may
verificare danni irreversibili.
Minimum water flow
Maximum water flow