ELFOFresh² BT15B012GB-00
operation and performances criteria
In the graph are represented the following variables:
D heating / cooling capacity [W]
E Power input [W]
F specific indoor humidity [g/Kg]
G specific outdoor humidity [g/Kg]
H specific supply humidity [g/Kg]
I supplied air flow [mch]
As indicated in the graph of the previous page hereinafter are highlighted the 6 standard operating range:
Heating with modulation of air flow in the room: the performance decreases due to the reduction of the air flow necessary to maintain to a comfort level the
supply temperature (in the example it is supposed 17°C). By the use of the modulating electrical resistances (optional) the comfort remains at the highest
levels without penalizing the air renewals in the room.
Heating: the heating performance is constant and independent from the outdoor temperature and therefore, at its decreasing, the colder air temperature
on the handling coil decreases the condensation decreasing the compressor power input. This behaviour is highlighted by the COP increasing.
Compressor on-off in heating: depending on the room set satisfaction, compressor on periods will alternate with ventilation only periods, their duration will
increase at the outside temperature increasing.
FREE-COOLING: the air flow increases to utilize at maximum the “free” energy of the FREE-COOLING
Cooling: modulating the air flow, the unit tries to keep the input air temperature at optimal comfort levels.
Air flow modulation for dehumidification in cooling: the reduction of the air flow in cooling allows to have an input air with an humidity equal to the
humidity set in the room.
Introducing fresh air with controlled humidity in rooms as the daytime area and the bedrooms and rejecting air from rooms that produce humidity (kitchen
and bathrooms) means to avoid the increasing of the humidity in the room.
Summary of Contents for ELFOFresh2 CPAN-U 70-120 Series
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