c l i m a t e m a s t e r.c o m
(QE) Series IOM - 60Hz HFC-410A
R e v i s e d : D e c e m b e r 2 2 , 2 0 2 1
Vertical Installation
Figure 1: Vertical Unit Mounting Using Ducted Return
Isolation Pad
Flexible canvas duct
connector to reduce
noise and vibration
Use turning vanes in
supply transition
Internally insulate supply
duct to reduce noise
Internally insulate return
transition duct to reduce noise
Rounded return
Remove supply duct
flanges from inside blower
compartment and install
on supply air opening of
unit. Do not use a supply
air plenum/duct smaller
than the size of the supply
duct flanges.
Air Inlet
Space 10-12”
Figure 2: Vertical Sound Attenuation - Free Return
Sound Attenuation for Vertical Units
Sound attenuation is achieved by enclosing the unit within a
small mechanical room or a closet. Additional measures for
sound control include the following:
1. If free return, mount the unit so that the return air inlet
is 90° to the return air grille (refer to Figure 2). Install a
sound baffle as illustrated to reduce line-of sight sound
transmitted through return air grilles.
2. Mount the unit on a Unit Isolation Pad to minimize
vibration transmission to the building structure. For more
information on Unit Isolation Pads, contact your distributor.