C L I M A T E M A S T E R W A T E R - S O U R C E H E A T P U M P S
C l i m a t e M a s t e r W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t P u m p s
Tr a n q u i l i t y
W a t e r- t o - W a t e r T H W S e r i e s
R e v i s e d : 0 2 J a n u a r y, 2 0 1 3
Water Coil Maintenance –
(Direct Ground Water Applications Only)
If the installation is performed in an area with a known
high mineral content (125 P.P.M. or greater) in the
water, it is best to establish with the owner a periodic
maintenance schedule so the coil can be checked
regularly. Consult the well water applications section
of this manual for a more detailed water coil material
selection. Should periodic coil cleaning be necessary,
use standard coil cleaning procedures which are
compatible with either the heat exchanger material or
copper water lines. Generally, the more water fl owing
through the unit the less chance for scaling.
Water Coil Maintenance –
(All Other Water Loop Applications)
Generally water coil maintenance is not needed
however, if the installation is located in a system with a
known high dirt or debris content, it is best to establish
with the owner a periodic maintenance schedule so the
coil can be checked regularly. These dirty installations
are a result of the deterioration of iron or galvanized
piping or components in the system or open cooling
towers requiring heavy chemical treatment and
mineral buildup through water use. Should periodic
coil cleaning be necessary, use standard coil cleaning
procedures which are compatible with both the heat
exchanger material and copper water lines. Generally,
the more water fl owing through the unit, the less
chance for scaling, however excessive fl ow rates can
produce water (or debris) velocities that can erode the
heat exchanger wall and ultimately produce leaks.
Conduct annual amperage checks to ensure amp draw
is no more than 10% greater than that indicated by
serial plate data.
Do not allow water to stay in contact with the cabinet
for long periods of time to prevent corrosion of the
cabinet sheet metal. Generally equipment cabinets are
set up from the fl oor a few inches for prevention. The
cabinet can be cleaned using a mild detergent.
Refrigerant System
To maintain sealed circuit integrity, do not install
service gauges unless unit operation appears
abnormal. Reference the operating chart for pressure
and temperatures. Verify that water fl ow rates are at
proper levels before servicing the refrigerant circuit.
Preventive Maintenance