Installation operation
Make sure the power cord before use is connected to the power supply to meet requirements
in the standby mode, press this key in control panel or remote controller, it works both mode speed
of operation, depends on the previous state before the shutdown; after the initial power, the
default speed is 2, and cooling mode runs, operation indicator light turned on dynamic rotation,
instructions of the current fan speed instruction stall, from right to left followed by 1, 2, 3 file.
Press this key when it works, it will turn off, only the temperature value is displayed after shutdown.
This key can control the cooling mode on and off, when it when it works, the cool light and icon
shine; when it off, “ventilation" light shines,
Press the fan speed key, by switching the order 1-2-3-1, or press the speed-, speed+ on the
remote controller to switch the fan speed is switched; fan speed direction shows the current fan speed.
Press "swing key" on the control pane or remote controller to control this function when it turns on,
the swing indicator light, when it turns off, the swing light goes out.
Press the key when machine work to turn the device which can produce anion on or off, or press the
speed-key on the remote controller to turn on/off, when it works, the anion light shines.
It is used to delay timer after N hours to automatically power or shutdown, time in hours, units of
measurement, since the setting take effect when the start time, arrival time Set on or off automatically
set the timer standby mode will perform regular boot; set the timer in the running time off will do
during the regular set, temperature digital display indicating the time zone value, after the
commencement of recovery time display shows temperature-press "timer" light flashes, timer value will
cycling increase, if you continue to press the timer key timer value will cycling increase rapidly the
maximum timer is 24 hours, after 24hours of arrival to return 00 value transferred to the time required,
it works automatic after 5s, time after entry into force, timer light continues to shine. The ways to cancel
a set the timer to be 00
b press on/off key when the timer light flashes
c press ON/OFF key for 2 times (re-switching it) when the timer light shines.
Notice: Press cool, speed swing anion key is invalid during off state.