How to in ter pret the LED status in di ca tor
LED Condition
Sys tem is dis armed
Flashing Steadily
(Ignition off)
Sys tem is armed
Flashing rapidly
(ignition off)
AutoArming Count down
Flashing slowly
(ignition on or off)
Sys tem is dis armed but Im mo bi li sa tion points are
en gaged (see page 15)
Pause between slow
flashes (ignition on)
Ei ther a mal func tion (see
Smart Au toTest ing be low) or
an in tru sion was at tempted (see Smart prior in tru sion
at tempt alert on page 27)
Auto matic Battery- Saving Mode
To conserve motorcycle battery power (the LED draws more current than
the entire control unit), if the system has remained continuously armed for
24 hours, the flash rate will automatically slow to half the normal rate.
Us er’s Man ual/299