Models ILP-1/ILPT-1
P/N 315-092594-8
Figure 1
Installation and Wiring Diagram
Fire Safety
Installation Instructions
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
8 Fernwood Road
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
Siemens Building Technologies, Ltd.
2 Kenview Boulevard
Brampton, Ontario L6T 5E4 CN
These instructions are written in accordance with the
installation guidelines of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm
Code, and CAN/ULC-S524, The Installation of Fire
Alarm Systems.
CAUTION: Detector Device Storage
DO NOT install this detection device until all
construction is completed.
DO NOT store this detection device where it can
be contaminated by dirt, dust, or humidity.
Although no specific spacings are set for the detectors
used for a clean air application, use 30 foot center
spacing (900 sq ft) from NFPA Standard 72 Chapter 5
and CAN/ULC-S524, if practical, as a guide or starting
point for a detector installation layout. This spacing,
however, is based on ideal conditions - smooth ceiling,
no air movement, and no physical obstructions. In
some applications, therefore, considerably less area
is protected adequately by each smoke detector. This
is why it is mandatory to closely follow the installation
drawings. In all installations place the detector on the
ceiling, a minimum of 6 inches from a side wall, or on
a wall, 6 inches from the ceiling.
If you have any questions regarding detector
placement, follow the drawings provided or approved
by Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. or by its
authorized distributors. This is extremely important!
The detector placements shown on these drawings
were chosen after a careful evaluation of the area that
is protected. Factors such as air currents, temperature,
humidity, pressure, and the nature of the load were
carefully considered. Especially noted were the room
or area configuration and the type of ceiling (sloped
or flat, smooth or beamed). Siemens Building
Technologies, Inc.'s extensive experience in the design
of the system assures the best detector placement by
following these drawings. Sound engineering
judgement by qualified personnel must be followed.
To avoid nuisance alarms:
Do not locate the detector next to an oil burner, electric
heaters, kitchens, or garages where exhaust fumes
can trigger an alarm. Other causes of false alarms
are dust accumulation, heavy concentrations of steam,
heavy pipe or cigar smoking,
high relative humidity
or other humid areas where condensation may
and concentrated aerosol sprays.
Before a detector can sense a fire, the products of
combustion or smoke must travel from the fire to the
detector. This travel is especially influenced by air
currents; therefore, consider air movement when
designing the system. While combustion products tend
to rise, drafts from hallways, air diffusers, fans, etc.,
may help or hinder the travel of combustion products