CcM WiFi Manual 2021
Figure 8 Configuration page CcM
Config Web.
Once the network is selected from the list, its name
will appear in the “SSID” field. If you are certain that
you know the name of the network, you can write it
directly in the “SSID” field (not recommended).
Once you have finished, write the password of the
selected WiFi network in the password field. The
CcM WiFi device will be linked to the WiFi network
and use it to send the data to the
ver, or it can be connected wirelessly to obtain the
data depending on the type of communication that
the user requires (see section 6.1.1).
The following field that appears is “Device Hostna
me” where you can assign a name to the CcM WiFi
device for later identification in your WiFi network,
for example “engine_room”. By default, the field is
set as “ChangeName”.
If you have several CcM WiFi devices
connected to the same network, make
sure to assign different “hostnames” to
each one of them. Keep in mind that
the assigned names shouldn’t contain
spaces (“ “) or exceed 20 characters in
Next, in the “Set meter current flow mode” section,
the user shall configure the device according to the
direction of the current: unidirectional or bidirectio-
nal mode (see the manual of the principal CcM devi-
ce in question available at
Finally, in the “Set communication mode selection”
part you should select one of the two types of con-
nection, in which the device will operate once it is
connected to the WiFi network in client mode, des-
cribed in the following section.
6.1.1 Connection types CLOUD MODE
The Cloud mode is the recommended type of con-
In this configuration, once the CcM WiFi connects to
its WiFi network, it will automatically send requests
to the CcM device, which will host it, and it will start
to send data every minute to the
ver using its local network. This data can be visuali-
sed on a computer, tablet or smartphone using the
web platform EnergyCcM (scada.energyccm.com).
See section 8 EnergyCcM at the end of this manual.
The user shall select the time zone in which the CcM
device is installed, in order to obtain the timestamp
of each data.