CB Manual Part Number 750-234
CB780E/CB784E Relay Modules
with Valve Proving
The Cleaver-Brooks CB780E/CB784E (833-03517/833-
03518) is a microprocessor based integrated burner
control for automatically fired gas, oil, or combination fuel
single burner applications. The CB780E consists of a
Relay Module and Keyboard Display Module. The CB784E
consists of the Relay Module only. A subbase, Amplifier,
and Purge Card are required to complete the system.
Options include: DATA CONTROLBUS MODULE™, Remote
Display Mounting, First-Out Expanded Annunciator and
Computer Interface using Modbus™ network.
The CB780E/CB784E is programmed to provide a level of
safety, functional capability, and features beyond the
capacity of conventional controls.
Functions provided by the CB780E/CB784E include
automatic burner sequencing, flame supervision, system
status indication, system or self-diagnostics, and
The CB780E/CB784E offer the Valve Proving test feature.
Using the 833-2727 Keyboard Display (standard on the
CB780E), the following features can be set-up:
• Post Purge time—Up to 60 minutes—Device shipped
with 15 seconds Post purge
• Valve Proving features include:
VPS test time
When (Never, Before, After, Split or Both)
A new 4-line LCD display option S78000A1092/U is
available to be purchased separately. Reference document
32-00154 for more information.
See the 833-2727 Instructions (750-248) for its features.
Series 5 can be programmed for ModBus communication.
At commissioning time, the Valve Proving System may be
scheduled to occur at one of five different times:
• Never—Device default as received—Valve proving
does not occur.
• Before—Valve proving before run concurrent with
• After—Valve proving occurs after the Run state,
before the device goes to Standby (Concurrent with
Post-Purge, if selected.)
• Both—Valve proving occurs at both times Before and
After, noted above.
• Split—The main valve 2 (MV2) (high pressure) seat
test is performed at the Before time and the main
valve 1 (MV1) (low pressure) seat test is performed
during the After time.