Vacuum Break Detail
Figure 6-2
This section outlines the steps required to complete the
ozone system pneumatic hook-ups. The system
components include the air preparation system, ozone
generator, vacuum break, and ozone injector manifold
(see Figure 6-1). The air preparation system provides the
ozone generator with a source of dry, oil-free oxygen-
enriched air (90% +/- 3% oxygen purity at -100˚F dew
point). The air is drawn from the ozone generator (where
ozone is produced from the oxygen in the air stream) and
through the vacuum break by the suction created at the
ozone injector manifold.
Figure 6-1
Vacuum break-to-injector manifold
The SC27P ozone generator incorporates a ClearWater Tech vacuum break, which provides a positive atmospheric
“break” between the ozone injector manifold and the SC27P system, preventing water from flowing back into the ozone
generator should the venturi check valve fail. If the check valve at the venturi begins to leak or fails completely, vacuum
is interrupted and water will flow toward the ozone generator. With the incorporated vacuum break the water will flow
down the riser tube (away from the ozone generator) and out to drain, protecting
the SC27P from potential water damage. All pneumatic connections have been
made between the ozone generation components of the SC27P and the vacuum
break. The only pneumatic field connections required are between the vacuum
break ozone outlet fitting and the injector manifold. Follow the steps outlined
below for this procedure, see Figure 6-2.
Step 1:
Remove the vacuum break’s stainless steel cover located on the right
hand side of the SC27P.
Step 2:
Remove the Fill Port Cap and fill the Riser Tube with clean water (no
particulate matter) to the fill level line of the overflow tube.
Step 3:
Re-install the Fill Port Cap, hand tight.
Do not over tighten as
damage to PVC fittings may occur.
Step 4:
Connect one end of a suitable length of Teflon® delivery line to the
vacuum breaks’ ozone outlet. The other end of the Teflon® delivery
line will be attached to the fitting threaded into the top of the check
valve assembly located on the injector manifold, do not attach this line
until directed in Chapter 7 of the “Start-up and Calibration Procedures”.
Booster Pump Ozone Injector
Water Flow
Ozone Generator
Ozone Delivery Line
Vacuum Break
Shown: ClearWater Tech SC27P Ozone System. Vacuum
break stainless steel cover removed for clarity.
Fill Port Cap
Ozone Inlet
Drain Holes
Ozone Outlet
Overflow Tube
Fill Level
Riser Tube
Flapper Check