Cleaning, storing and taking care of your hearing aids
The earbud should be kept clear of moisture and ear wax. We recommend that you use
the little brush that we supplied and/or a soft cloth to wipe off the ear bud and brush the
hearing aid on a daily basis.
Wax and debris can plug up the ear bud or the opening to the speaker underneath the
ear bud, in which case the sound will be reduced or completely blocked off.
To clean the ear bud you can use a soft cloth, paper towel or the brush we supplied in
your kit. The ear buds can even be removed from your hearing aids and cleaned with
soapy water, just make sure the ear buds are completely dry before putting them back
onto the hearing aid.
We recommend that you remove the ear buds every night and brush any wax that has
made it through the ear bud and has collected on or in the opening leading to the
hearing aid speaker.