R S - 6 0 2 / 6 2 2 B E L T P A C K
Thank you for choosing this product. Clear-Com designed the 600
series of beltpacks to meet the needs of all beltpack users, from
beginners to experienced professionals. For advanced users, the 600
series provides the most advanced level of functioning available.
You can choose from among seven different versions of beltpacks,
including single and dual-channel units, featuring both Clear-Com
and TW (two-wire) compatibility.
All RS-600 series beltpacks offer the following features:
• Rugged, compact design
• Full compatibility with all existing Clear-Com party-line
• Four setup configurations that you can activate directly from
the beltpack
• Extra 2.5 mm cell-phone type headset jack
• Advanced setup options with V-Pack software