7. Move to a secure location and take appropriate measures if any of the following problems occur
while using the hood:
• If you feel significant increase of breathing resistance or any other problems with breathing.
• If you experience stench or irritation or an unpleasant taste while breathing.
• If you feel unwell or if you experience nausea.
8. In case of using filtration unit CA Pressure Conditioner, please use original filters only. Always replace
the filters, when you notice a change in the smell of the air coming out of the unit.
9. Worker has to follow all the local regulation related with specific working conditions.
10. During strenuous work, if the user’s breathing becomes too intense, the positive pressure inside
During strenuous work, if the user’s breathing becomes too intense, the positive pressure inside
the hood may fall and result in decrease in the protection factor.
the hood may fall and result in decrease in the protection factor.
11. The system may only be used in environments with a small probability of damage to the supply hose
and where the user’s movement is not limited.
12. The source of pressured air has to be equipped with adequate safety overpressure valve.
13. The contact of the material with the skin of sensitive individuals can cause irritation!
14. Corrective glasses worn under the protection visor can transmit impacts, thus creating additional
risk to the user.
The CAP Conditioner does not remove carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO
) from the air!!!
Requirements for compressed air supplied from the compressor
• The CAP Conditioner can only be connected to compressor which supplies air at an oxygen concentration of
20 % to 22 % vol
20 % to 22 % vol. The carbon dioxide concentration must not exceed 500 ppm and the carbon monoxide
concentration must not exceed 15 ppm.
• The maximum concentration of water in the air may be 50 mg/m³ at the rated pressure of 1 to 20 MPa. The
humidity of the supplied air must be controlled to prevent the unit from freezing.
3. Control and maintenance
Lifetime of the hood and visors is influenced by many factors such as: cold, heat, chemicals, sunlight or
incorrect use. The hood should be checked on a daily basis of possible damage of its inside or outside
structure. If any part of the device appears to be damaged, it is necessary to replace it or put entire
product out of use.
Careful use and correct maintenance of welding hood enhances operating life and improves your safety!
Checking before use:
• Inspect that the protection plates are undamaged, clean and installed correctly. Replace lens
immediately, if it is damaged, or if spatter or scratches reduce vision.
• Inspect that the welding filter lens is undamaged and clean. The damaged welding filter lens impairs
protection and visibility and must be replaced immediately.
• Make sure that the shade number of welding filter lens is appropriate for your work (according to
6. Filter shade number selection“).
• Inspect that the welding hood and headgear are undamaged.
• After each work shift, clean the head part.
• Cleaning must be performed in a room with sufficient ventilation. Avoid inhalation of harmful dust
settled on individual parts!
• For cleaning, use lukewarm water (up to +40 °C) with soap or other non-abrasive detergent, and a soft brush.
• It is prohibited to use cleaning agents with solvents.
• After cleaning individual parts with a damp cloth, it is necessary to rub them dry, or let them dry at
room temperature.
• For care about the visors and plastic parts is recommended to use the CleanAIR® ®klar-pilot Fluids.
Do not use dishwasher or dryer!
Do not use acetone or other cleaning solvents!