Cr 2021-02-01 vs. 2.3.
User Manual for VCS-20Cr
This (tiny) web server communication is not encrypted. Access to it done via direct cable
or via Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi connection has own password, i.e. unauthorized remote/wireless
access to device is not possible.
Alarms and notifications
The unit will send alarms if there is something working unwell with the unit. Alarms can
be found on the Alarms page.
The unit will send notifications if there is something critical that has been overlooked.
Possible notifications:
“Sensor not connected”
“Supply value is zero”
“Treatment time is zero”
“Target PPM is zero”
“Liquid circulation was not done”
If the temperature is less than 17 C°: “Warning: Temperature is low, start
treatment anyway?”
The unit will warn if the Hydrogen Peroxide bottle is getting empty.
The unit will notice if the amount of H2O2 is too low for the target space.