CloudIO box enabled / disabled
The Connectivity App activates the CloudIO BOx in gateway mode, allowing the management of the fixtures connected to the DMX OUT output throu-
gh the services provided by the CloudIO platform.
Refer to www.cloudiobox.tech to get info about the available cloud service information.
The DMX IN and DMX OUT are typically digitally short-cutted, in order to allow to the DMX traffic coming from a Lighting console, connected on the
DMX IN, to reach the lighting fixture connected on the DMX OUT.
When the Cloudio Box is enabled, the DMX IN /DMX OUT digital short-cut is opened and the CloudIO BOx take the control of the Fixture as
Master DMX/RDM device excluding any other master device connected on DMX IN.
CloudIO box must be first paired to the user account.
Please register your account to www.cloudiobox.tech cloud service and then in the Settings/Cloud tab please pair the device.