58000081 Iss 01
6. Heat Output Configuration
The air curtain is supplied configured for stand-
ard power output.
RAC10HL - 8kW
RAC15HL - 12kW
RAC20HL - 16kW
This configuration is suitable for installation
height from 2 to 3m or where maximum pow-
er usage must be limited for other reasons. As
supplied, the each blower unit configured for
4kW power output. Cable links are supplied to
increase the output to the rated 6kW. Once
the links are installed the heaters are config-
ured to maximum power output.
RAC10HL - 12kW
RAC15HL - 18kW
RAC20HL - 24kW
This configuration is suitable for installation
height from 3 to 4m or in areas with more
draft where higher fan speed is required.
Two cable links are supplied per blower unit.
These are 100mm x 2.5mm² with female spade
connector terminations. Grey and Black PVC
sheathed cables are intended for use with L2
and L3 phases.
In each blower unit, locate the end of the
heating element, where the cables connect.
Before modification it will look like fig. 1.
The cable links are installed as shown in fig. 2.
Push the spade connectors over the free termi-
nals without twisting until it clicks and locks into
Fig. 1 Heating Element connection as
Fig. 2 Heating Element with links in-