OE 5027
Temperature range: -50°C to 1350°C (-58°F to 2462°F)
Accuracy :
-50°C to -20°C
+/- 5°C
-20°C to 200°C
+/- (1.5% of r 2°C)
200°C to 538°C
+/- (2% of r 2°C)
538°C to 1350°C
+/- (3% of r 5°C)
-58°F to -4°F
+/- 9°F
-4°F to 392°F
+/- (1.5% of r 3.6°F)
392°F to 1000°F
+/- (2% of r 3.6°F)
1000°F to 2462°F
+/- (3% of r 9°F)
As the distance (D) from the abject being measured increases, the spot size (S) of the area measured by the
thermometer becomes larger. This relationship between distance and spot size is normally expressed as the distance
to spot, or D: S ratio, which is shown in the following fi gure. At a distance of 12 inches, the spot size would be 1
inch in diameter. The thermometer will display the average temperature across the spot area.
Note :
Make sure that the object tobe
measured is larger than the
thermometer's spot size. The smaller
the object, the closer you should be
to it.
When accuracy is critical, make sure
that the object is at least twice as
large as the spot size.
Avoid exposure
Laser radiation is emitted through the aperture
Output <1mW
Longueur d’onde 630nm – 670nm
The thermometer should be protected from the following:
1. Electre magnetic fi elds ( created by arc welders, induction heaters and similar items. )
2. Thermal shock ( caused by large or abrupt ambient temperature changes. Allow 30 minutes for the thermometer
to stabilize before use.)
3. Do not leave the thermometer on or near abjects of high temperature.