Trouble shooting
Probable cause Measure
The tool rotates too
slowly or not at all.
Dirt inside
Flush out the tool with a 50-50 mixture of
motor oil and photogen. Then lubricate the
tool with oil.
No oil inside.
Oil as directed.
Low air pressure.
Adjust the compressor’s pressure regulator to
the tool’s maximum pressure when the tool is
running with a load.
Leaking hose.
Repair hose.
Pressure falls.
Check that the hose’s inner diameter is
sufficient. Long hoses and tools require a lot
of compressed air need at least 1/2" inner
diameter depending on the hose’s total
Moisture comes
out of the tool.
Water in tank.
Empty the tank. Consult the compressor
manual. Oil the tool and run it until no more
moisture escapes. Oil ratchet wrench once
more and let it run for 1–2 seconds.
Water in hoses.
Install water separator. Make sure the water
separator is as close to the tool as possible.
The tool should be oiled every time water
gets into it.
mechanism slips
and does not
loosen the nut.
Dirt in the ratchet.
Clean the mechanism with oil.
Change ratchet if it is worn.