Parts & Service: 020 8988 7400 / E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
IMPORTANT: Ensure that ALL components are secure, ALL correct
adjustments have been carried out, and ALL safety precautions have been
observed BEFORE plugging the machine into the mains supply, and
switching ON.
1. Attach a vacuum cleaner or
other dust extraction device to
the relevant extraction port
(depending upon the medium to
be used) and switch it ON.
2. Switch the machine ON by
pressing the Green ON button.
3. If using the belt, check to ensure it
is tracking properly...adjust if
4. Holding the workpiece firmly, place it on the table and gently slide it into
contact with the belt or disc. Do not force it, only a light pressure is
IMPORTANT: When using the sanding disc, ALWAYS use the left half of the
disc ONLY, i.e. that, side where the direction of rotation of the disc is down
towards the table.
Always inspect the sander before use and ensure it is in top condition.
Ensure all air vents are clear. (Use compressed air to clean the machine where
Check the power cable to ensure it is sound and free from damage. Avoid
using solvents when cleaning plastic parts, (most plastics are susceptible to
damage from the various types of commercial solvents).
All bearings in this tool are lubricated with sufficient high grade lubricant for
the machine’s lifetime under normal operating conditions, therefore no further
lubrication is required.