Clarke CBSS1 Mounting & User Instructions Download Page 6


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6. Thread the rope through the pulleys as shown in Fig 4. Be sure to thread the 

rope down through both parts of the locking mechanism (finally emerging 
through the round hole) as shown in Fig 5a.

7. Use 2 wood-screws to mount the 

rope cleat to the wall as shown in 
Fig 5b.

8. When the bicycle is raised to the 

ceiling, the excess rope should be 
stored by coiling up and hanging 
from the cleat.



1. Attach the hooks to the bicycle 

handlebar and seat as shown. 
taking care that the lifting rope is 
not twisted. The bicycle can now 
be raised to the ceiling by pulling 
the rope. If pulled at an angle in 
line with the bicycle, as shown in 
fig 6, the rope will lock in place to 
take the weight of the bicycle. 

• The rope should remain locked 

while it is under tension but 
check that it is held before letting go.

2. Tie the rope to the wall cleat and coil the excess rope to hang from it. 

Never cut the rope tail off.

3. Always look for any defects occurring during operation and stop using the 

lift if any are seen.

4. Always take care to pull the rope in line with the pulleys to ensure the rope 

passes smoothly through the mechanism.

5. Lift the load sufficient to take up the strain and check stability before 

commencing the full lift.

6. Ensure that no obstruction prevents a clean lift and that the hooks are 

securely attached before lifting.
