Parts & Service: 020 8988 7400 / E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
1. Measure the distance between
the bicycle handlebars and the
back of the seat.
2. Locate a suitable ceiling joist and
transfer the seat/handlebar
measurement along the joist so
that the lifting attachment points
line up as Fig 1.
3. If it is necessary to mount the
bicycle lift at 90
to the ceiling
joists, simply mount the lift
assemblies to a plywood/timber
board and then attach the board
to the joists as shown in Fig 2.
4. Tie a stop or double knot in the
end of the rope. Feed the rope
through the square hole in the
rear lift assembly that does not
have the locking mechanism, so
that the knotted end sits between
the ceiling and the lift assembly.
5. Using the wood screws provided,
mount each of the lift assemblies
to the ceiling joist(s), as shown in
Fig 3, ensuring that the hooks line
up with the handlebar/seat
• Pre-drilling pilot holes will make
this easier.