Cisco TMS Extension for IBM Lotus Notes
– Installation and getting started guide
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Restarting the Domino Service
Restart the Domino Service to apply the changes made either by using the restart server command in
the Domino console, or by restarting the Lotus Domino Service in the Services Console found at
> Administrative Tools > Services
Signing the templates
The new template files must be signed with an appropriate ID from your organization.
Domino security requires that ―new mail‖ agents run on the home server (mail server) of the signer.
Because the templates include ―new mail‖ agents, the ID that signs the templates must have a mailbox
located on the server where you are installing the integration package.
If you ignore this requirement, the agents are unable to run.
To sign the ―new mail‖ agents, you must create a utility account on the Domino Server. However, you
can configure Domino to ignore this security requirement for mail agents running on the server. Note
that this will affect
―new mail‖ agents running on the server.
To disable the security check, modify the notes.ini file by adding the option AMgr_DisableMailLookup
= 1.
To sign the templates
1. Open Domino Administrator and select the server that you copied the template files to.
2. Go to the
tab and select the data folder. In the
Show me:
drop-down list change the view to
Templates Only
Highlight the two Cisco TMS templates, TMS Resource Reservations and TMS Mail (X2).
Figure 4: The Files tab, with the two Cisco TMS templates highlighted
Depending on the version of Notes, this will be 7 for V7.0.x and V8.0.x of Notes, and 8.5 for V8.5.x of