Cisco SFS 7012 InfiniBand Server Switch Hardware Users Guide
This command works only on chassis supporting DDR links. This command sets inter-switch
link speeds to either 2.5, 5.0, or AutoNegotiate. External ports remain configured to SDR rate
(2.5) and do not require special cabling configuration to function correctly. Using this command
without the option enable12xBit displays the current values of the port. A reboot is required to
activate changes made with this command. This reboot will be disruptive and will cause the
affected switch chips to be reset and have a part of their EEPROM to be reloaded.
Displays the port statistic thresholds.
Sample Output:
The following are the available port statics thresholds:
1 portXmitData: 32-bit data words transmitted
2 portRecvData: 32-bit data words received
3 portXmitPkts: data packets transmitted
4 portRecvPkts: data packets received
6 portSymbolErr: a 8B10B encoding violation, or a displarity violation was detected
7 portLinkErrRecv: link error recovery process happened successfully
-> ismShowPStatThresh
Field Threshold Time Unit
----- --------- ---------
1 portXmitData: 0 (Percent of Max)
2 portRecvData: 0 (Percent of Max)
3 portXmitPkts: 0 (Percent of Max)
4 portRecvPkts: 0 (Percent of Max)
5 portXmitWait: 0 (1 Second)
6 portSymbolErr: 0 (1 Second)
7 portLinkErrRecv: 0 (1 Second)
8 portLinkDowned: 0 (1 Second)
9 portRecvErr: 0 (1 Second)
10 portRecvRemPhysErr: 0 (1 Second)
12 portXmitDiscard: 0 (1 Second)
13 portPKeyViolIn: 0 (1 Second)
14 portPKeyViolOut: 0 (1 Second)
15 portRawViolIn: 0 (1 Second)
16 portRawViolOut: 0 (1 Second)
17 portLocalLinkInteg: 0 (1 Second)
18 portExcBufferOverrun: 0 (1 Second)
19 portRelayedVL15Dropped: 0 (1 Second)
20 portLocalVL15Dropped: 0 (1 Second)
21 portNonSMPDropped: 0 (1 Second)