T1/E1 Digital Voice Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
Chapter 4 Configuring the PA-VXA, PA-VXB, and PA-VXC
Configuring Voice over IP
After you change any voice-port command, it is a good idea to cycle the port by using the shutdown
and no shutdown commands.
Optimize Dial Peer and Network Interface Configurations
Depending on how you have configured your network interfaces, you might need to configure additional
VoIP dial-peer parameters. This section describes the following topics:
Configure IP Precedence for Dial Peers, page 4-29
Configure RSVP for Dial Peers, page 4-30
Configure Codec and VAD for Dial Peers, page 4-31
Configure IP Precedence for Dial Peers
If you want to give real-time voice traffic a higher priority than other network traffic, you can weight the
voice data traffic associated with a particular VoIP dial peer by using IP precedence. IP precedence scales
better than RSVP but provides no admission control.
To give real-time voice traffic precedence over other IP network traffic, use the following commands,
beginning in global configuration mode:
Step 7
timeouts interdigit seconds
Specify the number of seconds the system waits (after the caller
has input the initial digit) for the caller to input a subsequent
digit. Valid entries for this command are from 0 to 120.
Step 8
timing clear-wait milliseconds
timing delay-duration
timing delay-start milliseconds
timing dial-pulse min-delay
timing digit milliseconds
timing inter-digit milliseconds
timing pulse pulse-per-second
pulse-inter-digit milliseconds
timing wink-duration
timing wink-wait milliseconds
Specify timing parameters. Valid entries for clear-wait are from
200 to 2000 milliseconds (ms). Valid entries for delay-duration
are from 100 to 5000 ms. Valid entries for delay-start are from
20 to 2000 ms. Valid entries for dial-pulse min-delay are from 0
to 5000 ms. Valid entries for digit are from 50 to 100 ms. Valid
entries for inter-digit are from 50 to 500 ms. Valid entries for
pulse are from 10 to 20 pulse-per-second. Valid entries for
pulse-inter-digit are 100 to 1000 ms. Valid entries for
wink-duration are from 100 to 400 ms. Valid entries for
wink-wait are from 100 to 5000 ms.
Step 1
dial-peer voice number voip
Enter the dial-peer configuration mode to configure a VoIP peer.
Step 2
ip precedence number
Select a precedence level for the voice traffic associated with that
dial peer.