Step 4
Drill a hole into the wall at each mark.
These holes should be slightly smaller in diameter than your anchors. The recommended drill hole size is 3/16".
Step 5
Insert the anchors into the holes and be sure they are properly seated.
Step 6
Fasten each screw into its anchor until it protrudes about 1/4 inch.
Step 7
Pick up the ASA, align the screws in the anchors with the holes in the bottom of the chassis, move the ASA toward the
wall until the screw heads are in the chassis, and then slide the ASA down until it rests on the screws.
You can only mount the chassis with the front panel oriented toward either the ceiling or the floor. Wall mounting in
other orientation is not supported.
What to Do Next
You can now install the cables and power cord, as described in
Connect Cables, Turn on Power, and Verify
Connectivity, on page 37
Rack Mount the ASA
Follow these steps to mount the ASA to a rack-mount shelf.
Cisco ASA 5506-X, ASA 5506W-X, and ASA 5506H-X Hardware Installation Guide
Online Only
Mount and Connect
Rack Mount the ASA