Client Roaming from a Macro to Micro Cell
The most likely scenario is that a client will associate to the Macro cell first as it will have the bigger footprint
and transmitting at a greater RF power. So in the figure below, any client that has RSSI at the AP above the
Micro cell threshold of -55 dBm will be moved into the Micro cell.
Note: -55 dBm is the default but configurable using the command line interface (CLI). For more on
configuring these options
the RRM guide and other resources at
In addition to the threshold, if the client supports 802.11v, on association the AP will send an .11v BSS
transition request with the Micro cell BSSID and the only candidate. If a non .11v client, it will send an .11k
neighbor list and a disassociate packet. Other methods and optimizations are being investigated.
Figure 30: Intra-cell roaming Macro cell to Micro cell
Client Roaming from a Micro to Macro Cell
When a client initially associate to the Micro cell first, while less likely but certainly possible based on device
scan and channels heard. In this case, a client that has RSSI at the AP below the Macro cell threshold of -65
dBm will be moved into the Micro cell -65 dBm by default. This is also configurable by user CLI.
If the client supports 802.11v - on association, the AP will send an 11v BSS Transition request with the Macro
cell BSSID as the only candidate.
Cisco Aironet Series 2800/3800 Access Point Deployment Guide
Client Roaming in a Micro and Macro Cell
Client Roaming from a Macro to Micro Cell