VPN 3002 Hardware Client Getting Started
Chapter 1 Understanding the VPN 3002 Hardware Client
Additional Software Features
Enabling and Later Disabling Interactive Hardware Client Authentication
When you enable interactive hardware client authentication for a group, the VPN Concentrator pushes
that policy to the VPN 3002s in the group. If you have previously set a username and password on the
VPN 3002, the software deletes them from the configuration file. When you try to connect, the software
prompts you for a username and password.
If, on the VPN Concentrator, you subsequently disable interactive hardware authentication for the group,
it is enabled locally on the VPN 3002, and the software continues to prompt for a username and
password. This lets the VPN 3002 connect, even though it lacks a saved username and password, and the
VPN Concentrator has disabled interactive hardware client authentication.
If you subsequently configure a username and password (in the VPN 3002 Configuration | System |
Tunneling Protocols | IPSec screen), the feature is disabled, and the prompt no longer displays. The VPN
3002 connects to the VPN Concentrator using the saved username and password.
Individual User Authentication
Individual user authentication protects the central site from access by unauthorized persons on the same
private LAN as the VPN 3002.
When you enable individual user authentication, each user that connects through a VPN 3002 must open
a web browser and manually enter a valid username and password to access the network behind the VPN
Concentrator, even though the tunnel already exists. The VPN 3002 directs the browser to the proper
pages for login. When the user successfully logs in, the browser displays your default home page.
You cannot use the command-line interface to log in if user authentication is enabled. You must use
a browser.
If you have a default home page on the remote network behind the VPN Concentrator, or direct the
browser to a website on the remote network behind the VPN Concentrator, the VPN 3002 directs the
browser to the proper pages for user login. When you successfully log in, the browser displays the
page you originally entered.
If you try to access resources on the network behind the VPN Concentrator that are not web-based,
for example, email, the connection will fail until you authenticate.
To authenticate, you must enter the IP address for the private interface of the VPN 3002 in the
browser Location or Address field. The browser then displays the login screen for the VPN 3002.
To authenticate, click the Connect/Login Status button.
One user can log in for a maximum of four sessions simultaneously.