EGS3 Hardware Interface Description
3.11 USB Interface
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Confidential / Released
USB Interface
EGS3 supports a USB 2.0 Full Speed (12Mbit/s) device interface. The USB interface is prima-
rily intended for use as command and data interface and for downloading firmware. The USB
I/O-lines are capable of driving the signal at min 3.0V. They are 5V I/O compliant.
The USB host is responsible for supplying, across the VUSB_IN line, power to the module’s
USB interface, but not to other EGS3 interfaces. This is because EGS3 is designed as a self-
powered device compliant with the “Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0”
Figure 15:
USB circuit
To properly connect the module’s USB interface to the host a USB 2.0 compatible connector
is required. For more information on how to install a USB modem driver and on how to integrate
USB into EGS3 applications see
. This Application Note also lists a selection of USB 2.0
hubs the module has been tested to operate with.