BGS3 Hardware Interface Description
3.6 Power Saving
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Timing of the CTSx Signal in CYCLIC SLEEP Mode 7
illustrates the CTSx signal timing in CYCLIC SLEEP mode 7 (CFUN=7).
Figure 11:
Timing of CTSx signal (if CFUN= 7)
With regard to programming or using timeouts, the UART must take the varying CTS inactivity
periods into account.
Timing of the RTSx Signal in CYCLIC SLEEP Mode 9
In SLEEP mode 9 the falling edge of RTSx can be used to temporarily wake up the ME. In this
case the activity time is at least the time set with AT^SCFG="PowerSaver/Mode9/ Time-
out",<psm9to> (default 2 seconds). RTSx has to be asserted for at least a dedicated debounce
time in order to wake up the ME. The debounce time specifies the minimum time period an
RTSx signal has to remain asserted for the signal to be recognized as wake up signal and being
processed. The debounce time is defined as 8*4.615 ms (TDMA frame duration) and is used
to prevent bouncing or other fluctuations from being recognized as signals. Toggling RTSx
while the ME is awake has no effect on the AT interface state, the regular hardware flow control
via CTS/RTS is unaffected by this RTSx behaviour.
Figure 12:
Timing of RTSx signal (if CFUN = 9)