improper operations or handling by Subscriber. CINCINNATI BELL is not responsible for
the maintenance or repair of Subscriber provided equipment, including but not limited to
television sets, VCRs or other video equipment, remote controls, keyboards, stereos or other
audio equipment, telephones or A/B switches. A service charge may be imposed if damage
to CINCINNATI BELL Equipment is due to negligent use or abuse or if no fault is discovered
in System or Equipment. In addition, an equipment charge may be imposed for the repair
or replacement of any lost, stolen or damaged Equipment. CINCINNATI BELL makes no
warranties, with respect to equipment or service provided by CINCINNATI BELL or with
respect to the Equipment compatibility with any Subscriber-owned equipment.
Fioptics service requires an ONT that uses your electrical power. The ONT is a media
converter that is installed by Cincinnati Bell during your Fioptics installation. The ONT that
is installed will convert fiber-optic light signals to copper/electric signals to deliver you with
TV service. If the ONT is unplugged or in the event of a power outage, the service will be
inoperable. The ONT is capable of battery back-up that can power voice service for up to 8
hours. If a battery back-up has been installed (subject to installation fees), the subscriber
is responsible for the replacement of the battery.
If unauthorized service is discovered by Cincinnati Bell, the cost will be billed to the
Subscriber for an estimate of CATV services delivered, including the cost of inspection,
investigation, reconnection, and cost of repair to CINCINNATI BELL’s facilities, all of which
must be paid in full before service can be reestablished or restored.
The Subscriber shall pay CINCINNATI BELL a one-time pro-rated monthly service charge
from date of installation to the end of that billing cycle. Thereafter, the Subscriber shall
pay CINCINNATI BELL the full monthly service charge applicable to the services rendered,
which amount shall be due as shown on the monthly billing statement. Late payments
are subject to a 1.5% late payment penalty. Failure to pay charges invoiced may result in
discontinuance of service in Accordance with Subsection 12, below.
Monthly service charges are subject to change at any time, although CINCINNATI BELL will
provide Subscriber at least thirty (30) days advance, written notice before instituting an
increase in service rates. For information on final billing following cancellation of service by
CINCINNATI BELL may suspend and/or disconnect service for nonpayment of undisputed
monthly service charges that are not paid in full by the due date shown on the bill.
CINCINNATI BELL will provide customer with a minimum of ten (10) days advance,
written notice of a disconnection of all or part of the Subscriber’s service, except where
disconnection has been requested by the Subscriber, is necessary to prevent theft of
service, or is necessary to reduce or prevent signal leakage as described by 47 CFR § 76.61.
CINCINNATI BELL will not disconnect all or part of a Subscriber’s service for nonpayment
until the bill is at least forty five (45) days past due.
Cancellation Billing Policy: The monthly charge for service will not be prorated for the final
partial month of service. The full monthly service fees will apply, even if your service is
active for only a partial month.
The new Subscriber may elect to receive premium service only after he has submitted an
application for digital service and premium service. An existing digital service Subscriber
can elect to receive premium service by submitting his application for such service, but in
no instance will any Subscriber be permitted to receive premium service without CINCINNATI
BELL’s digital service or if Subscriber has a past due account.
The Subscriber may also elect to receive pay-per-view events and/or movies from time to
time; however, in no instance will a Subscriber be permitted to receive this service if an
amount is shown to be past due on the Subscriber’s account. In addition, no refund for any
pay-per-view event/movie will be granted after the initial ten (10) minutes of the event/
movie has been received by Subscriber.
The Subscriber shall notify CINCINNATI BELL of any change of occupancy or ownership of
Subscriber’s premises promptly upon its occurrence. Nothing in these rules and regulations
shall be construed to give the Subscriber the right to sell or assign, or the successor tenant
or occupant to acquire, any rights to use any of the equipment or service provided by
CINCINNATI BELL, its agents or employees, shall not be held liable or responsible for
any damage or injury to the property of the Subscriber occurring during installation or
maintenance of facilities including, but not limited to, outlet, cable, connector, etc., to
provide and/or maintain service to Subscriber.
The Subscriber shall not hold CINCINNATI BELL responsible nor liable for programming
content, nor for any changes, additions, or deletions in its programming or time schedule
associated therewith. CINCINNATI BELL shall give Subscriber at least thirty (30) days
advance, written notice before removing a channel from the programming lineup except if
such removal is caused by circumstances beyond CINCINNATI BELL’s control.
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