What if I am not receiving the HD-quality picture I expected?
Refer to the Interactive Program Guide (IPG) to determine if the
program is broadcast in HD. If there are black bars to the right and left of
the picture, in most instances your broadcaster is not transmitting in full
HD. If you would like to have your picture fill the entire screen, refer to your
TV manual for details.
What do I do if I am getting poor reception or the picture on
the TV screen is distorted?
To experience better picture quality, reboot your set-top box and turn
off any unused boxes. Also, make sure that the set-top box is connected
directly to the cable outlet. Reconnect and hand-tighten any loose cables.
Ensure that the WAN port on your primary box is securely connected to the
LAN port on your gateway with an Ethernet cable. Verify that your TV is
tuned to the appropriate input.
What do I do if my IPG is frozen?
Reset your set-top box. Unplug the box, wait a few seconds, then
plug it back in. Please note, it may take a few minutes for the software to
update and the IPG to become operational again.
Why can I see a picture but can’t hear any sound?
Make sure hasn’t been pressed and try turning up the volume.
Verify that the cables attached to the audio input jacks on the back of
your set-top box and your TV or home theater system have been properly
attached and are tight.
What do I do if there is no video picture on the TV screen?
Make sure that your TV, set-top box and home theater system are
powered on, and that your remote is set to the appropriate input source.
Ensure that the cables are connected correctly and hand-tighten any loose
connections. Tune to an authorized cable channel (one that you know that
you get).
What steps should I take if I am unable to view any channels
from my set-top box on my TV?
Power off your set-top box. Make sure that both the DSL light and Internet
light are lit up on the gateway device (see the gateway manual for details).
If both lights are not active, power off the gateway device, wait a few
seconds and then power the gateway back on. Please note that performing
this step will disconnect any active device from the Internet, such as other
set-top boxes, computers, video game systems, etc.
If your DSL and Internet lights do not turn on, please contact Technical
Support. If both your DSL and Internet lights turn on, then power on your
set-top box. If you still do not get video, consult your TV owner’s manual or
contact Technical Support at 513-565-9890.
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