Replacement cycle
T-Pre-carbon filter
About 6 months
T-Membrane filter
24 months
T-Post-carbon filter
18 months
Filter function
Filter service life
※Filter service life is not the filter warranty. This ideal filter
service life is based on the use of 5.28 G(20ℓ) per day.
※Filter service life is varied depending on environment such as
location, water conditions(quality, temperature), amount of
water used and seasons(summer, winter).
※You can take clean water by replacing filters according to the
recommended filter service life.
T-Pre-carbon filter
It is made from high temperature processed carbon. it absorbs and eliminates dis-
solved pollutants(such as chlorine, THMs and organic chemical contaminants), so it
protects the membrane filter and helps it function work properly.
T-Membrane filter
It removes dissolved pollutants.(a molecular weight over 200, such as heavy met-
als, bacteria and organic chemical contaminants) through RO filtration using a
semi-permeable membrane(0.0001 ㎛ pore size, 1/1,000,000 of hair) and the dis-
solved pollutants are discharged through brine tube.
T-Post-carbon filter
It removes dissolved gases and odors to improve water taste. .
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