Emergency Dialing
Your RevolutionPBX system is designed to support emergency dialing. However you are
responsible for setting up, implementation and testing.
Your Responsibility
Contact your phone service provider to determine if and how they support emergency
dialing. Historically local phone providers include emergency dialing service (in the USA
known as 911). But some POTS, VoIP and T1/E1 providers may not provide emergency
dialing or provide it differently. Additionally, non-USA installations may require different
emergency numbers.
RevolutionPBX’s default emergency dialing
From the factory the emergency dialing settings are set as follows:
If analog POTS installed - RevolutionPBX will seize the first available POTS line and
dial 911 as an outside call. Callers currently on the phone may be disconnected.
If NO POTS lines installed- RevolutionPBX will seize the first line and dial 911 as an
outside call. Callers currently on the phone will be disconnected.
Even though the default settings match what is required by your location you must
confirm that they are correct and verify that they work.
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RevolutionPBX Install Guide v3.4
revised 3/18/11
It is your responsibility to contact your phone service
provider and to set the RevolutionPBX system up properly.
End User License Agreement limits our liability.
Please read.