SST–Projector Status
Returns status information about the projector in read-only mode.
Status items for Boxer 4K are organized in the following groups:
Status group
Alarm (SST+ALRM)
Displays any status items not in the OK state. This group contains a dynamic
number of status items. If everything in the projector is OK, this group is
Configuration (SST+CONF)
Displays values and fault conditions for configuration-related items.
System (SST+SYST)
Displays values and fault conditions relating to the system and its health.
Signal (SST+SIGN?)
Displays values and fault conditions relating to the video signal status.
Lamp (SST+LAMP?)
Displays values and fault conditions for lamp-related items.
Version (SST+VERS?)
Displays values and fault conditions related to software and hardware versions.
Temperature (SST+TEMP?)
Displays values and fault conditions for temperature-related items.
Cooling (SST+COOL?)
Displays values and fault conditions related to cooling and fans.
Serial (SST+SERI?)
Displays values and fault conditions related to hardware serial numbers.
For more information about the status groups, items, and theirs state, see the Boxer 4K Status
System Guide (P/N: 020-101695-XX).
Returns all status items. Each item is listed
in the following format:
(SST+<group>!<index> <state>
"<value>" "<description>")
<group> = Provides the four letter identifier
of the Status System group the item
belongs to
<index> = Indicates the index value of the
status item within the group
<state> = Indicates the condition of the
status item:
000 = No errors or warnings
001 = Warning
002 = Error
<value> = Presents the value of the status
<description> = Provides the descriptive
name of the status item
Returns all status items within the specified
four-letter group identifier.
Returns a specific status item within the
specified four-letter group identifier.
Display the temperatures:
Serial API commands
Boxer 4K Serial API Commands Technical Reference
020-101697-05 Rev. 1 (07-2017)
2017 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.